What is registry.nic.cl? What is the purpose of this website?
This is the website of the Registry of the .CL domain, operated by NIC Chile Registry. Its purpose is to provide information about the registrars for .CL that are authorized and the conditions and requirements needed to apply to become a Registrar.
Will it still be possible to register .CL domain names directly with NIC Chile?
Yes, Registrars are an additional channel that has been opened for the marketing of .CL domain names.
What is the difference between Registry and Registrars?
The Registry manages the database that contains all the domain names registered under a given Top Level Domain (TLD). The Registry Manager is the organization responsible for managing the database and offering all the registration services, including the publication of the Zone file.
A Registrar is an entity authorized by the Registry to market domain names. Registrars are free to set the prices and to provide additional services.
What is a .CL Registrar?
Registrars are entities authorized by the Registry to perform domain names registrations on behalf of their customers. These operations include registrations, modifications, deletion, change of registrant and others authorized by NIC Chile Registry.
Wich are the Registrars currently authorized by NIC Chile Registry?
An up to date listing is available at Registrar List.
How are domain name disputes resolved for domains registered through registrars?
The conflict resolution method is the same as for any .CL domain name and it is handled at the .CL Dispute Resolution Center (CRC). The regulations and procedures are available at https://www.nic.cl/controversias.
For general inquiries, please contact info@nic.cl
Phone (+56) 2 29407701
NIC CHILE Registry© 2021
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday, 08:30 AM – 17:45 PM, Friday, 08:30 – 14:50 PM (CL Time).